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Viewing your Dedicated Servers

Viewing your Dedicated Servers

The Overview page shows you all the Dedicated servers under your account. Some actions can be performed directly from here like reboot them, disable/enable switch ports, manage IP address(es).

Perform the following steps to get an overview of all the Dedicated Servers assigned to you:

  1. In the menu bar, select Dedicated Server.
  2. The Dedicated Servers overview page displays.
  3. To view further details and features you can click on the arrow next to the ID field
  4. You can view the following information and perform certain tasks:
Field NameDescription
NameDisplays the name of the server. This is assigned by Leaseweb.
ReferenceDisplays the customer reference (name) that you entered to identify the server easily. On the server details page the reference can be altered.
Note: This reference is also displayed on your invoice.
LocationDisplays the data center, suite, rack and rack unit position of the server. This allows our staff to locate the server
Data TrafficAllows you to view the bandwidth and data traffic graph for the server.
IP AddressThe primary IP addresses associated with the product
SwitchAllows you to view the switch port speed and close or open the port.65110019
Quick ActionsThis column hold various actions that can be applied directly to the specified server:

14975053 Power Operations
– For example: Powercycle your server.
– You will get a pop-up to confirm this action.
– The power will be disabled for your server and restored to generate a cold boot of your server. The action can in total take up to approximately 10 minutes.

14975051 Private Networking
– Opens a new page where you can manage private network between your servers.

14975050 Remote management
– The remote management interface of the server opens in a new browser tab.
– This requires that you’re connected to the Remote Management VPN, for more information see Server Management: Remote Management