Viewing GP VPS action history

Viewing GP VPS action history

The History page displays the 10 most recent actions performed on a VPS.

Viewing the last 10 actions performed on a VPS

  1. To view the action history, login to the Customer Portal and choose VPS.
  2. Click on a VPS and click on Manage VPS, to go to the management page.
  3. On the Overview page, select Activity Log tab.
UserDisplays the username of the user who performed the action on this instance. For actions performed by Leaseweb customer support staff and engineers their personal username is not disclosed to customers and the generic “LSW Engineer” will be displayed.
ActionDisplays the type of action performed on this instance. For example, Detach ISO, Retrieve password, Console accessed, and so forth.
DateDisplays the date and time when the action was performed on the instance.
Time zoneDisplays the timezone from where the action was performed.

Viewing GP VPS action history - Frequently Asked Questions

  • My VPS was rebooted. Why is that event not logged in the History?

    The History records only shows events that were performed manually, by actual people, using the dashboard.
    Actions started from within the VPS, such as for instance an administrator rebooting the virtual server from a remote management session, cannot be logged.
    Automated actions resulting from for instance API requests and platform management tooling will also not be recorded in the History page.