Getting started with Object Storage

Getting started with Object Storage

Get started with your new Object Storage account. Find out how to create users, buckets, access keys and more using our user-friendly object storage portal.

Before using Object Storage

“us-east-1” is a default region name without correspondence with an actual geographical region.

It exists for compatibility reasons as most programs and scripts are using this region by default.

Make sure to modify the programs and scripts to use the correct regions.

It must not be used, and any data stored on us-east-1 will be actually stored in the nl-01, de-01, uk-01 or us-01 region depending on the location of your Object Storage package.

S3 API endpoints

The available endpoints for the S3 API are:

Entity/RegionS3 API Endpoint
nl-01 region
de-01 region
uk-01 region
us-01 region
ca-01 region 

You need to configure your S3 compatible application to access your buckets and objects by using the above endpoint, together with the API Key ID and Secret obtained by following the steps described below.

The Object Storage portal

The object storage portal lets you set up additional users, and manage your access keys and buckets. It also allows you to keep track of your storage usage.

To begin make sure to have your login details ready. You can find your account ID, username and password in the Leaseweb Customer Portal.

Request access to your IP address

The access to the Object Storage portal is limited to authorized IPs only.

Please contact support to get your IP address authorized.

Log into the Object Storage portal

Navigate to one of the following portals depending on the location where you ordered your Object Storage package:

EntityObject Storage portal link

Enter your Account ID, Username, and Password, and click Sign in.


Change your root password

It is a good practice to change your initial password you received from Leaseweb. Keep in mind we do not store changed passwords in the Leaseweb Customer Portal. In the event you have forgotten your root password, please contact our support team to have it reset to regain access.

To change your password, click on the username at the top right. Then click on Change password. In the new dialog box, fill in your old and new password twice and then click Save changes.


Create S3 access keys

To be able to store and retrieve files in buckets you first need to create a S3 access key. The root user can create these keys for themselves or other users. Regular users are able to create their own keys when they have the ‘Manage your own S3 credentials’ permission. To manage access keys expand the ‘Storage S3’ menu on the left sidebar and click on ‘My access keys’.


Click on the ‘Create key’ button when viewing the ‘My access keys’ page. A new dialogue will pop up asking if you want to set an expiration date. You can either opt for no expiration date or set a date to have a key automatically expire. Expired keys are removed automatically. Consider your use case and security policies to decide if you need expiring access keys. Click ‘Generate access key’ and the system will create a new key


Once your new key is generated you can either download it as a .csv file or copy the details. NOTE: After clicking ‘Finish’ you will not be able to view the key anymore. Make sure to have your copy before continuing.

You can now use the S3 API with your access keys to manage buckets and objects via API.

Other actions

Manage groups (optional)

To manage groups we assume you are logged in using your root account. Groups can be created to give multiple users the same permissions. This can be found in the Access Management drop-down menu and then selecting Groups.

Creating a group

  1. Click on ‘Create group’ which will show the following pop-up:
  • For now, only Local groups are supported.
  1. Fill in a Display name and a Unique name (only unique to your own tenant account).
  2. In the next step select which kind of permissions you want to give your group:
  1. The next step is adding a S3 group policy:
  1. The last step is adding users to your newly created group. This can also be done at a later moment.
  2. And then click on ‘Create group’ to finally create your group.

Editing a group

  1. Click on your group in this example ‘admins’ to show the edit options:
  1. Here you can change all the settings you just got while creating a new group (Group permissions, S3 group policy & Users):

Delete a group

  1. Select the group you want to remove (the checkbox in front of the group) to activate the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu and select ‘Delete group’:
  1. This will show a warning to make sure if you’re sure that you want to remove it, just click ‘Delete group’ once you’re sure.

Manage users (optional)

To manage users we assume you are logged in using your root account. Users can be created to give additional people separate accounts. This can be found in the ‘Access Management’ dropdown menu and then selecting ‘Users’.

Create user

  1. Clicking on ‘Create user’ which will show the following pop-up:
  1. Fill in the desired full name, username, and password and click on continue.
  1. Here you assign the user to a group if you’ve created any or else just click on ‘Create user’.

Edit user

  1. Click on your user in this example ‘testuser’ to show the edit options:
  1. Here you can change the settings for your user (change password, access, access keys and add the user to a group):

Delete user

  1. Select the user you want to remove (the checkbox in front of the user) to activate the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu and select ‘Delete user’:
  1. This will show a warning to make sure if you’re sure that you want to remove it, just click ‘Delete user’ once you’re sure.

Manage buckets

Create buckets

  1. To create a new bucket, click on the STORAGE (S3) dropdown menu and select ‘Buckets’. This will show you the following page:
  1. Click on ‘Create bucket’ to start the wizard:
  1. Fill in your preferred bucket name and leave the region as is since this is the default region in our object storage platform even though all data is located in the Netherlands.
    • Please be aware that the bucket names need to be unique within the whole object storage platform. So if another customer already created a bucket with the name ‘bucket1’ it’s not possible to also create a bucket called ‘bucket1’.
    • Here is an example where it shows an error because the bucket already exists in the platform.
  1. Click on ‘Continue’ to go to the next step.
  1. In the next step, you can enable object versioning for the bucket. Once you made a choice select ‘Create bucket’.
    • You can always enable this feature later if required.

View buckets

  1. While logged in on the tenant portal you can click on ‘View buckets’ on the dashboard or select ‘Buckets’ from the Storage (S3) dropdown menu:
  • You also see an overview below of the storage usage. After you click using either of the methods you can see the overview of your create buckets:
  • You can see in which region the bucket resides*, the amount of objects, the space used and the bucket creating date.

Please note that this will always say ‘us-east-1’ since it’s not possible to change/rename this default value in our object storage platform.

Edit buckets

  1. Click on your bucket in this example ‘test-bucket’ to show the edit options:
  • Here you can change the settings for your bucket (bucket options, bucket access & platform services):

Delete buckets

  1. Select the bucket you want to remove (the checkbox in front of the bucket) to activate the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu and select ‘Delete bucket’:
  1. This will show a warning message that you need to make sure that all objects have been removed from the bucket before it is possible to remove the bucket.
  2. Click ‘Yes’ to remove the bucket.