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CDN Overview

CDN Overview


Leaseweb CDN has been developed in-house by a pioneering team and launched in 2014. Since then, Leaseweb CDN has been expanding its reach globally to boost performance. Innovative features have been added to ensure that despite the complexities of the web experience, our CDN will suit your needs for fast, reliable and secure delivery of your content at an affordable cost


Overview of Leaseweb CDN

Content Delivery Networks form the core of Internet experience. CDNs, or Content Delivery Networks, accelerate internet content like websites, videos and streaming media, improving user experience and making your data more redundant and secure.

We are serious when it comes to our solution, providing industry standard services and features, and as a trusted partner at your side we cover the whole spectrum of web technologies:



Whether you run a site, e-commerce, music videos, games, software-as-a-service, or live events, we can accelerate it and offload your infrastructure. Our CDN services are designed by our technical experts for businesses of all sizes, across a variety of industries.

Leaseweb CDN helps boost your service and saves money

With a lowest cost per bandwidth and our policy of “all options included”, we will help you focus on creating the content rather than managing the infrastructure. All our features will allow you to fine tune your desired setup and stop worrying about potential traffic peaks or attacks on your site.

Setting up your service with Leaseweb CDN

We’ve made using the Leaseweb CDN so easy and user friendly that you’ll be able to integrate our CDN on your website in just a few minutes. And we also have our 24/7 Support team ready to help you set up your service with Leaseweb CDN.

Main features of Leaseweb CDN

Security, unlimited domains, fast purge, bandwidth throttling, log files, header modification – you can now get everything you need to optimize your web presence with no hidden costs.

Along with the advanced features listed below, we also include 100% uptime SLA as standard with our CDN services.


SSL certification
Secure token URL
Hotlinking protection
IP/Domain blacklisting
DDOS protection

CDN Resources

Unlimited zones/domains 
Fast purge
Pre-fetch files functionality 
Header modification 
Cache expiry settings
Cache query strings
Ignore cookies
Bandwidth throttling

Reporting & analytics

Real time analytics
Bandwidth and traffic graphs
Cache hit/miss ratio
CDN logs
HTTP status code reporting
View data between specific time frames
Reports/statistics through your dashboard or API

“Always on” Support

Stay in direct touch with our developer team by email/chat, phone or Skype
Our Knowledge Base is always available for self-help


Global network with more than 5 Tbps capacity
Up-to-the-minute status updates 
Full control over the entire global network
DNS anycast network

Control panel

Intuitive design
Administer your accounting, billing and CDN resources in one place
Localize your preferences
Reseller functionality included


Electronic invoices
Payment history
Flexible payment methods (transfer, PayPal, credit card, direct debit)


User management
Data management 
CDN resource management
Traffic & reports
API documentation

The CDN dashboard

Documentation on how to use the CDN dashboard can be found here.

Cost of using Leaseweb CDN

Leaseweb payment plan includes our full suite of features with SSL traffic.

Custom PlansLower pricing      Choice of contracts      Developer access
Save money and plan with confidence by going on contract. See our pricing for the custom plan. 

If you have any special requests, we will help you with it. Just ask!

Frequently asked questions for CDN

FAQ: What is Multi CDN?

With single CDN, the digital content is delivered through one CDN provider. Multi CDN delivers digital content through multiple CDN providers. Using Multi CDN has a lot of advantages such as:

  • Availability: Multi CDN minimizes single points of failure by providing other delivery options if a CDN is unavailable.
  • Performance: Multi CDN delivers the best performance for all traffic types, in all regions.
  • Capacity: By using multiple CDN providers, the content can be delivered by distributing the load.

FAQ: What is going to happen during the migration?

You have received the new username and password.

We have copied the existing configuration into the current CDN platform. We will and apply it to our Multi CDN platform.

FAQ: What do I need to do to migrate to Multi CDN?

After we migrate your CDN to our Multi CDN, please perform the following tasks:

  1. Verify the configuration to ensure that the Multi-CDN responses are correct. 
  2. Change your DNS configuration from the old CNAME endpoint to the new CNAME endpoint. You can find it in the configuration part of the UI.
  3. If any API integration is in use, for example for invalidations and purges, this integration will need to be updated to reflect the new API standard (see the API documentation).

Please give special attention to the following:

  1. CDN properties which have expired or invalid SSL certificates are ignored and not migrated.
  2. Headers that are not part of the standard HTTP response headers (i.e. custom headers) are ignored and not passed through by default. If some headers need to be enabled (for example CORS headers), make sure to pass them through by adding them to the ‘HTTP header caching’ option, or by adding them as a static header to the CDN configuration. If custom headers are already present as static headers, they will be migrated to Multi-CDN.

FAQ: Where can I find the CNAME to point my DNS record(s) to?

You can find it under Configuration > Distribution Groups > (click ‘edit’ on the relevant configuration) > you will see the populated field ‘CNAME target’. This is the endpoint to CNAME your custom domain(s) to.

FAQ: Where can I find documentation of the API usage

The API specifications and example responses and requests are available at

FAQ: How do I login to Multi CDN?

The Multi CDN portal can be accessed via

FAQ: Where can I find the missing zones / distributions?

During the migration to Multi CDN, zones that have expired or invalid SSL certificates attached to it are considered obsolete and are not migrated over to the new platform. 

FAQ: How do I enable raw logging to Multi CDN?

You can enable raw login to Multi CDN via the API/UI per distribution, and set the FTP password you want to use. The credentials for the FTP are in the format

FAQ: What and where are my zones or distribution groups? 

Zones are called distribution (groups) in the Multi CDN context. You can find them under Configuration > Distribution Groups.

FAQ: Where are my caching settings (edge settings)?

A distribution has a policy attached which holds all the different caching options under the Caching Settings per distribution. Checking the settings and making changes can be done by clicking the edit button under Caching Settings

FAQ: Where are my SSL certificates?

SSL certificates are centrally managed via Configuration > Certificates. After uploading a valid certificate they can be attached to a distribution by changing the TLS settings to SNI TLS/SSL and selecting the certificate in the drop down. 

FAQ: How can I purge / invalidate items?

Purging and invalidating cached content can be done via the Invalidate option in the UI. You can add URL(s) and submit them to be purged from the cache. For API implementation, please see:

FAQ: What is going to happen if I do not do anything?

The content will no longer be distributed after 31-12-2018, as the account in the current CDN platform will be inactive

FAQ: What is going to happen with my accounts and invoices?

Until 31-12-2018, both accounts will be active (Current CDN and Multi CDN). On the 31-12-2018, the current CDN account will be cancelled. The billing of Multi CDN starts on 01-01-2019.

You received the last invoice for the usage of the current CDN platform on 01-12-2018.

Traffic used in December will be measured but not charged. We keep the right to charge in case of excessive usage of traffic.

FAQ: What is going to happen with my statistics?

Statistics from current CDN platform cannot be migrated to Multi CDN. We advise to retrieve them before 31-12-2018 from the current CDN platform.

FAQ: Is traffic measured differently in Multi CDN (compared to current CDN)?

In Multi CDN, we measure and charge both outbound and inbound traffic. Current CDN only does it for outbound traffic.

FAQ: Why am I not seeing my updated file even after sending an invalidation request which as finished?

Browsers (and intermediate proxies, if any) use the set TTL on the asset to determine if the file should be considered to be fresh enough to serve from its local cache or if it needs to fetch it from the CDN again. 

The behaviour you are seeing is expected and can be fixed either by lowering the TTL’s significantly (so to instruct the browser to not rely on the local cache too long). 

The CDN will always honour the TTL as set by the origin unless it is instructed otherwise.

See for more information.

FAQ: Is there is a delay in the processing of the invalidation requests?

It can happen that we have a lot of invalidation requests pending across our customers which can impact the processing time as we have limits on the amount of requests we can

send to our vendors. 

Generally it is best practice to use versioning so whenever a new file is uploaded, delays with invalidations or issues with browser cache can be mitigated

See for more information

FAQ: Are there limits on the amount of invalidation requests?

Although currently not enforced it is not advised to send more than 75 files per invalidation request and no more than 1 invalidation request per minute. As sending more can have negative affects on the invalidation performance

across our vendor integrations we reserve the right to throttle the requests when excessive amounts of invalidation requests are done. 

To ensure direct availability of an updated asset it is generally advised to use versioning / cache-busting techniques.