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Managing vCloud resources

Managing vCloud resources

DescriptionDatacenters: vCloud Private Cloud


Managing vApps

vApps can contain one or more virtual machines. You can manage your vApps from the Datacenters tab. Then click on your VDC  and click on vApps on the left panel. From here you can add and/or create vApps. You can also perform actions like starting, stopping, suspending, and resuming the vApp. These actions will apply to all virtual machines in the vApp. 


When you click on the Details for a vApp, you can also edit settings of the vApp and the VMs and networks that are in this specific vApp.


Managing virtual machines

You can manage your virtual machines inside a vApp or virtual machines without a vApp separately. From the Datacenters tab, click Virtual Machines on the left panel. Select the virtual machine you want to manage and click on actions. Click the details button to view the virtual machine’s properties. From here, you can perform several actions on your virtual machine such as change the settings. To open the console of the virtual machine, click on the screen in the Virtual Machine tile. 


Managing affinity rules

You can manage affinity rules to separate or group together your virtual machines on physical hosts. From the Datacenters tab, click Affinity Rules on the left panel. Select the rule you want to manage and click on edit, or delete. Click the New button below the respective category to create a new rule.


Managing networks

Virtual networks in your datacenter can be used to separate certain virtual machines by creating segments for specific purposes. From the Datacenters tab, click Networks on the left panel. Select the network you want to manage to edit it below. Click the New button on top to create a new virtual network.


Managing your Edge Gateway

Your Edge Gateway is used for routing between the internal network and the external network. An Edge Gateway can provide services such as firewall, DHCP, NAT, routing, load balancer and VPNs. From the Datacenters tab, click Edges on the left panel. Select your Edge to view all its properties. 


Once selected you can click on Configure Services to manage the services. On the top bar you can browse the different types of services that can be configured with the Edge.


Please be aware that if you’re still running one of the older versions of the Edge, you will need to convert it to an advanced edge gateway first. Click Convert to Advanced to convert it to an advanced gateway. This does not have any impact on the availability.

Managing security

Besides the north-south firewall security that can be configured using the Edge Gateway, vCloud also provides additional security services such as east-west firewalling using the distributed firewall. From the Datacenters tab, click Security on the left panel. 


Select your virtual data center and click on Configure Services. Here you can manage the distributed firewall rules and grouping objects.

Please note that the distributed firewall is not enabled by default. To have this feature enabled for your virtual data center, you can contact us at or by creating a ticket using our Customer Portal.


Please be aware that the distributed firewall rules will apply to east-west traffic as well as north-south traffic.

Managing independent disks

Independent disks are typically used when the disk itself does not need to be included in a virtual machine backup or a snapshot actions. From the Datacenters tab, click Independent Disks on the left panel. 


Select the disk you want to manage and click edit or delete. Click the new button to create a new independent disk.