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How to connect to your Cisco ASA firewall and your servers behind it

How to connect to your Cisco ASA firewall and your servers behind it

Leaseweb provides Cisco ASA firewall services that can be purchased with your Dedicated Server package.  You may also choose to utilize a firewall when purchasing a Private Rack. The information below provides a method to access your firewall

Connecting to your Cisco ASA firewall via HTTPS

  1. Locate the IP that was assigned to your Cisco Firewall. This information was provided to you when the firewall was delivered.
  2. Go to a browser, and type in the URL box: https://x.x.x.x. Please replace the “x” with the appropriate IP address.
  3. You will receive a security notice indicating that the connection is not secure. Please select to continue (can be different for all browsers, example shown is Internet Explorer 11.
  4. After selecting continue, you will see a login screen that will look like the example below.
  5. You will be able to utilize the credentials that you can locate within your Private Rack page in the Customer Portal.

Connecting to your Cisco ASA firewall via AnyConnect Secure

Please be aware that you will require to have a Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client installed on your computer before continuing with the following instructions. You can download the Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client from the Cisco website. 

  1. Open the application Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client within your computer. 35127513
  2. In the window that opens, type in the IP address of your firewall, then click Connect.
  3. You may receive another window indicating an unsecure server. Confirm you are connecting to the appropriate IP, and then click Connect Anyway.
  4. You will receive a prompt to enter your credentials and click OK. If you do not already have your firewall credentials, you are able to locate them in your Customer Portal.
  5. If you receive a message indicating that you are Establishing VPN, you are successful. Once the window disappears, you will be connected to your network behind your firewall.