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How to configure and utilize the Java Virtual Console

How to configure and utilize the Java Virtual Console

Leaseweb provides Remote Management for every Dedicated Server. As a customer, you are able to utilize Remote Management if you require access to your server outside of your server’s public connection.

Within these Remote Management pages, you are able to utilize a Remote Console, which provides a terminal to your server as if you connected a monitor to your server physically. Many of the server models we have here at Leaseweb require that Java is able to be utilized within your browser.

These are instructions in order to add a Remote Management IP address to your Java Exception list.

Configuring Java Virtual Console

  1. Within your Windows workstation, go to the Start Menu. Search for the application named Configure Java, and click it.
  2. A window will appear, which is your Java Control Panel. At the top, select the tab Security.
  3. At this new window, select the button Edit Site List. A new window will appear.
  4. At this new window, click the button Add
  5. You will receive a new empty entry in the window. (You may have to scroll down in the Exception Site List to see the following field). 
  6. Add the IP with the format: https://x.x.x.x and then hit Enter on your keyboard. After that, click the button OK.

Some of our server models can only be connected using the “http” protocol. If this is the case, you will receive a message indicating that the method is unsafe. When this window appears, please click “Continue” to continue with this process.

  1. You will be redirected to the Java Control Panel. Click the button OK.
  2. If you have any open browsers that utilize Java, close them and reopen them. Continue with accessing your Remote Management page.