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Launching a Public Cloud instance

Launching a Public Cloud instance

Launching a new instance can be done in the Leaseweb Customer Portal or using the Leaseweb Public Cloud API.

Launching Public Cloud instance from the Customer Portal

  1. Go to your Leaseweb Customer Portal account.
  2. From the menu, select Public Cloud and click Launch Instance.
  3. Configure your instance on the Launch page
  4. Choose a region

To launch in another region, make sure to first switch your account to the corresponding sales organization.
To switch sales organization, click on your profile in the top right corner and click Switch Account.

  1. Choose an Image

An image is a template that contains the software configuration required to launch your instance. The offered images are Linux and Windows-based Operating Systems and App, like Plesk or cPanel pre-installed.

  1. Configure instance
    To configure an instance you need to choose the type, vintage, size, storage type and storage amount.
  2. SSH key
    Optionally, a public ssh key can be send to the launch job that will be created on the instance, in order to authenticate using ssh key pair.

Currently, we only support providing public key in plain text on the launch page.

  1. Instance name
    Optionally, name your instance in order to identify the instance easier in the Customer Portal list page.
  2. Contract and Payment
    An instance can be created with an on demand (hourly) billing model or prepaid (1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months commit and billing term).
  • Committed instances are billed prepaid with a prorate fee for the period prior to the committed period.
  • On demand instances (hourly) are billed post paid for the amount of hours it was active in that month.
  1. Click Launch
  2. The creation of the instance is started and will show up on the list page

Launching Public Cloud instance using the API

See more here: