Billing of Public Cloud

Billing of Public Cloud

Public Cloud instances are billed on a combined invoice for your account and per sales organization. The invoice can be different each month depending on what gets charged for that specific month. Please note that an invoice is created per sales organization (entity).

How instances are billed

There are two types of billing methods. Hourly instances are billed at the end of the month for the consumed hours (post paid), where as committed instances are invoiced up for the next billing period (pre-paid).

Example how a hourly instance is billed

On January 20th, you launch an instance with hourly charging.

The invoice on February 1st is created with the following invoice line:

  • A fee for the total amount of hours the instance was active from the moment of launch

Example how a committed instance is billed

On January 20th, you launch an instance with a 3 months contract and 1 month billing commitment.

The invoice on February 1st is created with the following invoice lines:

  • A pro-rata fee for the hours from the 20th till the end of 31th of January
  • A monthly fee for the entire month of February

Charged instance states

Instances including storage and IPv4 address are charged together from the moment of creation until they are destroyed.

Instance stateDescription
RunningThe instance state when running
DeletingThe instance state when being deleted
StoppingThe instance state when being stopped
CreatingThe instance state when being created
RebootingThe instance state when rebooting
ReinstallingThe instance state when reinstalling
StoppedThe instance state when stopped
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