Getting Started with Kubernetes

Getting Started with Kubernetes

Welcome to Kubernetes! This guide helps new users set up clusters, access the dashboard, and stay secure, such as:

  1. Getting Started:
    • Ensure you have subscribed to the trial, signed the quote, and received cluster provisioning confirmation
    • Install the Kubectl client and download the Kubernetes configuration file
  2. Setting Up Dashboard:
    • Download the configuration file
    • Install the dashboard on a Kubernetes cluster
  3. Accessing Dashboard:
    • Create a ServiceAccount “admin-user”
    • Generate a token and log in to the dashboard
  4. Security Considerations:
    • Do not expose the dashboard publicly
    • Use limited RBAC rules to minimize risks

Dive into the details below to uncover more about the steps outlined above!

Getting started with Kubernetes cluster

  1. Before getting started, ensure you have already done the following:
    • Subscribed to our trial
    • Signed the quote associated with the trial
    • Received the confirmation that your cluster was provisioned
  1. You need to have the Kubectl client installed. You can follow the instructions here to install it:
    • You can verify with the command kubectl version to make sure the kubectl client works.  
  1. Log in to the Leaseweb Customer Portal, and on the left panel, select Kubernetes
  1. On the Clusters page, you will then be able to see your existing pre-provisioned clusters
Cluster view
  1. Under the ACTIONS field, click the Download kubeconfig link in order to download your KubeConfig. Before the KubeConfig file can be downloaded, you must first configure your cluster and add your IP to the IP Whitelisting. For more information about cluster configuration, please refer here.
    • Download and save this file to $HOME/.kube/config in order to be discovered by the kubectl command line.
  1. Once you have downloaded your Kubernetes configuration at the right place, you should be good to go

How to set up the Kubernetes dashboard

This tutorial is intended for starting users and will provision a basic Kubernetes dashboard.
Multiple simplifications and shortcuts are taken in order to keep this document accessible. The section for “Further Considerations” overviews these simplifications.

Using “kubectl apply”

Download the configuration and save as “config.yml”

  1. In the Leaseweb Customer Portal, under the Kubernetes section, the existing clusters are visible:
  1. Under the ACTIONS field, click the Download kubeconfig link in order to download the yaml file:
  1. Save it as config.yml in the current working directory.

Install the dashboard on a Kubernetes cluster

A common way to install Kubernetes services is to use a “Helm Chart” in order to configure the service. Helm has many advantages, but the most interesting one is that it allows to customize deployments according to a set of pre-defined variables that will allow you to configure the dashboard as you wish. Follow the steps below to setup the Dashboard.

  1. Once the configuration is saved as “config.yml”, you need to install the helm binary. For more information how you can do that, you can refer here. The easiest way to install Helm is by running the following command:
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
  1. In order to deploy the helm dashboard, run the below commands:
helm repo add kubernetes-dashboard
helm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace kubernetes-dashboard --kubeconfig config.yml

The results from the above command showing that Kubernetes dashboard installed in your cluster

Release "kubernetes-dashboard" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: kubernetes-dashboard
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Feb 28 09:20:16 2025
NAMESPACE: kubernetes-dashboard
STATUS: deployed
*** PLEASE BE PATIENT: Kubernetes Dashboard may need a few minutes to get up and become ready ***

Congratulations! You have just installed Kubernetes Dashboard in your cluster.

If everything is fine, the following command will show the newly created pods:

kubectl --kubeconfig config.yml -n kubernetes-dashboard get pods

The results from the above command showing the newly created pods:

NAME                                                                               READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
kubernetes-dashboard-api-56fcb486c-525cs               1/1     Running             0         27s
kubernetes-dashboard-auth-7d4dff8c89-lbbsz             1/1     Running             0         27s
kubernetes-dashboard-kong-694bd68766-ttwsm             0/1     Running        0         27s
kubernetes-dashboard-metrics-scraper-d7cc4b456-7jqkm   1/1     Running   0         27s
kubernetes-dashboard-web-748db66c8f-gz9q8              1/1     Running          0         27s
  1. It means the dashboard is now hosted on the cluster. In order to access it, a user needs to be put in place. See the next steps below.

Generate a new user to access the Kubernetes dashboard 

In order to do so, we will need to create a ServiceAccount “admin-user” that will have the necessary access. Permission will be assigned by defining a ClusterRoleBinding giving this account admin authorization on the cluster.

  1. To create the account, save the following content in a file named dashboard‑serviceaccount.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: admin-user
namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: admin-user
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: admin-user
namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
  1. Then the following command can be used to create the new user:
kubectl --kubeconfig config.yml create -f dashboard‑serviceaccount.yml

If everything is ok, the result from the above command should be:

serviceaccount/admin-user created
  1. A “token” will be required in order to be able to login to the dashboard, it can be generated using the following command:
kubectl --kubeconfig config.yml -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user

The part eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtp...  that goes on for multiple lines is the authentication token and must be treated as sensitive information!

Accessing the Kubernetes Dashboard

  1. The following command can be used to access to proxy the dashboard to a browser:
kubectl --kubeconfig config.yml -n kubernetes-dashboard port-forward svc/kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy 8443:443

The result from the above command should be:

Forwarding from -> 443
Forwarding from [::1]:8443 -> 443
  1. This page will appear when loading the page at the address https://localhost:8443/ in a browser.
  1. Please copy-paste the token generated in the relevant section.
  2. The browser will now be logged in the dashboard.
  1. You can now “take the Dashboard Tour”. On the “namespace” combo box on the top menu, one can select the “kubernetes-dashboard” namespace.
  1. The Pods associated to the newly created service will be visible in that namespace, such as below:

Access Control

For the sake of simplicity, here we have generated a token that has cluster-admin Role … meaning that anyone having access to this token may be able to do more than it was intended to do, including destructive actions.
If the token falls into the wrong hand, the cluster will be at risk.
Please take the time to create a new user with limited RBAC rules in order to limit the impact this token may have on the cluster.

For further information on how to create custom users and roles in the official Kubernetes documentation.


The next logical step might seem to be to expose this dashboard to the internet in order to be able to access it easily. But be aware that there are some security considerations that should be taken care of, and this can be dangerous if not put in place properly.
In order to keep things as secure as possible, please do not expose the Kubernetes dashboard publicly and use the kubectl proxy command as demonstrated above in the Accessing the Kubernetes Dashboard section.


Getting Started with Kubernetes - Manage

More information about Kubernetes

The deployment of our Kubernetes cluster conforms to the Kubernetes standard. For more information, you can see the following articles:

Topic Associated documentation Specificities
Installation of the KubeCtl tool Please disregard the sections about “kind” /  “minikube” / “kubeadm”
Deploy your first Kubernetes Application
How to deploy the Kubernetes UI / Dashboard Leaseweb does not deploy the Kubernetes dashboard out of the box.
How to use Persistent Volumes Kubernetes Persistent Volumes