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Managing your Elastic Compute billing from customer portal

Managing your Elastic Compute billing from customer portal

Elastic Compute has two different types of billing methods, Resource pool and On demand


Elastic Compute product types

In Elastic Compute there are two types:

On demand: Billed monthly for CPU, Memory and Storage resources consumed per hour for the month.
Resource pool: Billed monthly for CPU, Memory and Storage resources committed (fixed amount).

Elastic Compute On demand

The usage and billing details for an On demand account can be viewed in the customer portal.

Perform the following steps to view the Billing details for your On demand Elastic Compute.

  1. Login to the customer portal and click on Elastic Compute under Cloud Compute.
  2. Select the Elastic Compute contract and click Manage Elastic Compute.
  3. Click on the Billing tab.


    Network In/Out (cumulatively amount of GB traffic used for the selected month)
    CPU (cumulatively amount of cores used for the selected month)
    Memory (cumulatively amount of GB memory used for the selected month)
    Storage (per GB) –  Storage is billed in peak usage per month. For example, If your capacity peaked at any point during the month at 100GB, you will be billed for that amount.

Elastic Compute Reserved

For Elastic Compute Reserved, we delivery a fixed resource pool that is billed each month. You will find the committed resources in your contract under Technical Details in the Management tab.