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Default partitioning of your Dedicated Server

Default partitioning of your Dedicated Server


Leaseweb offers automated installation of virtual servers and dedicated servers. These automated installations offer two different partitioning schemes:

  • Manual partitioning
  • Default partitioning

The default partitioning scheme for the different operating systems are explained below.

Windows default partitioning

During a Windows installation, two partitions are created on the first available disk in the server.

BootableNTFSC:/ OSDisk100GB
noneNTFSD:/ DataAll remaing space

All drives will be repartitioned during a reinstallation. No original data will remain visible. Please ensure that you have proper backups.
If you would like to retain data on certain disks after a reinstallation, please contact Support.

Linux default partitioning

The automatic Linux installation will format the first drive on your system (default: sda). It will install the system using the following partitioning scheme:

nonebios_grubnone1MBCreated for EFI compatibility
nodev, nosuid, noexecext4/tmp4GBExtra mount options added for security reasons
noneext4/All remaining space 

All drives will be repartitioned during a reinstallation. No original data will remain visible. Please ensure that you have proper backups.
If you would like to retain data on certain disks after a reinstallation, please contact Support.

When specifying custom partitioning for an installation, omitting any of the default partitions (/boot, swap, /tmp and root) can cause the installation to fail.