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On the Services page, you will see an overview of all the active services you have with Leaseweb. The page is also the place to edit, cancel or revert a cancellation of your services.

Only users that have a Finance role on the Customer Portal can access this page.

Viewing your Services

Perform the following steps to view all your services in the Leaseweb Customer Portal:

  1. Navigate to the Services page
    • From the main Dashboard, click Services in the list of Shortcuts or click on the menu All Products and then Services123076691
  2. A table with all available services is displayed
  3. In this table, you can scroll horizontally to see the full actions you can perform for each service

Viewing your Equipment ID details

Some of your services will have a page with more detailed information. These pages are highlighted in the Services table in the Equipment ID column by having blue underlined text (link).
To navigate to the details page of a specific service, just click the blue underlined text (like shown below). If the Equipment ID isn’t underlined or blue, it’s because there’s no detailed page associated to the specific service.

  1. Equipment ID blue underlined text (link)
  2. Example of a details page

Cancellation of your Services

On the Services page, you can cancel your services. To do so, navigate to our Services page as described above and follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the All Products -> Services page in the Customer Portal
  2. In the Manage your services view, drag the grey horizontal scroll bar, at the bottom, to the right to view the full menuDrag the horizontal bar
  3. Click on the cancel button in the actions column of the services table, next to the service you want to cancel
    See the option to cancel
  4. Provide a reason for cancellation
    • From the available options, choose one of the reasons for you to cancel this service
    • This can help us improve our offerings123076688
  5. If you can’t find within our list the reason why you’ve chosen to cancel, you can choose Other selection and then specify the reason why in the given text field
    • Your feedback will be appreciated and it will help us improve our services
    • Cancellationpageotherselection
  6. Click Submit to finalize this cancellation.
    A message that will acknowledge the cancellation will be displayed.

Undo a cancellation of your Services

On the Services page, you can revert a cancellation within 24 hours of the contract end date. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Services page, as described above
  2. Choose the Uncancel action for one of your services
  3. After clicking the Uncancel button, a modal pop-up will ask you for confirmation of your decision to Uncancel. To proceed with the action, click ‘Uncancel‘.
  4. A message that will acknowledge the service renewal will be displayed123076679

Edit reference of your Services

On the Services page, you can now edit the reference of your services. To do so, please navigate to the Services page, as described above.

  1. Choose the Edit reference action for one of your services
  2. Edit your reference in the input field given in the modal pop-up and click on the save button123076680
  3. A message that will acknowledge the service renewal will be displayed123076681