Your Public Cloud instances can be added to the Leaseweb Private Network, allowing your services from different Leaseweb products to communicate between each other on a private connection. Leaseweb Private Network is only available within the same metro area, e.g. an metro area is Amsterdam, allowing to connect services from AMS-01 and AMS-02 with each other.
- Go to your Leaseweb Customer Portal account.
- From the menu, select Public Cloud, choose your instance, and click Manage instance
- Go to the Networking tab in the instance overview page.
- Enable Private Networking by clicking the Switch button.
- The Private Network details are added and displayed in the Networking tab.
The instance now has a second network interface added that you can see using command:
# ip a
Configuring Private Network with DHCP active in your Leaseweb Private Network
Ubuntu 18 and later
Configure the new ethernet interface in netplan and enable dhcp on the instance.
- Login to the instance via SSH
- Open the netplan.yaml file with vi
# vi /etc/netplan/netplan.yaml
- Add eth1 network interface and enable dhcp in the netplan.yaml file, the file should look like this:
dhcp4: true
dhcp4: true
version: 2
renderer: networkd
- Save the file and apply the netplan change
To save the file press the ESC button, w and q then ENTER
Now make the netplan change:
# netplan apply
- The interface by default is not up and running, therefor you need to bring the interface up with command:
# ifconfig eth1 up
RHEL based OS
To create a new ethernet connection and enable dhcp use nmcli.
- Login to the instance via SSH
- Create a new DHCP ethernet connection name eth1 with the following command:
# nmcli connection add con-name eth1 type ethernet ifname eth1 ipv4.method auto
- You should see the following output:
Connection 'eth1' (d416329d-ba96-4ff5-b23a-d0a0175a83f9) successfully added.
- Check the status of your connections with the following command:
# nmcli device status