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Managing Object Storage S3 Tools

Managing Object Storage S3 Tools

S3 Tools is a set of tools to access your CDN Object Storage through the Linux command-line


Supported OS

Apple OS-X, Linux

Dependencies: python 2.6 or higher version of python 2 

Installing s3tools for use with CDN Object Storage


Apple OS-X

dependencies: (needs brew to be installed)

brew install s3cmd 

apt based linux distributions

sudo apt-get install s3cmd

rpm based linux distributions

yum install s3cmd

python on all platforms

pip install --update s3cmd

Configure s3tools for use with CDN Object Storage

  1. Configure s3tools

    s3cmd --configure


    You will be asked to enter your access and secret key and if you want to use HTTP or HTTPS 
    HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP, protecting your data against eavesdroppers while they’re in transit to and from Leaseweb Cloudstorage.

    The configure option creates a .s3cfg in your current directory, but needs some adjustments, so open up with your favorite text editor (read: vim)

    host_base still points to amazon, so change to

    host_bucket still points to amazon, so change to

  2. Configuration items that are not mandatory, but are handy for large transfers

    Multipart uploads
    enable_multipart = True
    multipart_chunk_size_mb = 15 

Enter credential to authenticate with CDN Object Storage

  1. Fill in the following fields.
    • Access Key ID
    • Secret Access Key


    You will have received your credentials by email.

Using s3tools for use with CDN Object Storage

  1. List your buckets

    s3cmd ls


    As you have just started using S3 there are no buckets owned by you as of now.
    So the output will be empty.
  2. Create your bucket with.

    s3cmd mb s3://my-new-bucket-name

    Bucket names must be unique amongst all users of S3. That means the simple names like “test” or “asdf” are already taken and you must make up something more original.

    s3cmd mb s3://ilikepizza-test

    Bucket 'ilikepizza-test' created
  3. List your bucket

    ~$ s3cmd ls
    2007-01-19 01:41 s3://ilikepizza-test 
    List the contents of the bucket
  4. Upload to your bucket

    ~$ s3cmd put addressbook.xml s3://ilikepizza-test/addrbook.xml
    File 'addressbook.xml' stored as s3://ilikepizza-test/addrbook.xml (123456 bytes)